Adding components to content slots in Hybris pages is
relatively straightforward in the WCMS
Cockpit; however exporting that data
from the WCMS Cockpit to impex files is relatively difficult
and can result in exporting more information than necessary. If you are the
kind of developer who likes clean impex files and would just rather create them
by hand, this document will hopefully help.
The purpose of this document is to outline how to create
basic but commonly used components in Hybris
by manually adding them to your impex
file. This document will only demonstrate the code used to create components.
Organizing the code in terms of best practices – i.e. core
vs. initial data or separating your impex
file data by page or category – is a good idea, but is out of scope for this
General notes:
Each of the commands
below are INSERT_UPDATE commands. An INSERT_UPDATE will do exactly that. If the
specified UID already exists in that particular table of the database, this
command will update the rest of that UID’s entry. If the UID does not exist in
that table, this command will add a new entry for the specified UID. This
command will not delete entries from the database.
command starts with the name of the database table to be modified. This table
name relates directly to the type of component you are adding.
Variables in the
impex file:
There are several variables used in the examples below.
These variables are used to simplify the INSERT_UPDATE header. All variables
should be declared at the top of your impex file. (Otherwise, you will get an
Here is a list of variables used in the examples below:
• $contentCV –
This is the content catalog version. For example:
• $lang – This is
the default language for headers, labels, names, etc. The 2-letter code for the
default language is used here. For example: English is ‘en’; German is ‘de’.
• $siteResource –
This is a constant used to point to the path of the content catalog directory
in the code repository.
For example: $siteResource=jar:de.hybris.platform.acceleratorsampledata.constants.Acceler
Creating a new
content page
Impex files can be used to define new content pages in the
site. Content pages can be defined either in core or initial data; however it
feels a little more “correct” to define pages in core.
homepage[default='false'];previewImage(code, $contentCV)[default='ContentPageModel__function_preview']
;;about;About Us;ContentPage2Template;/about
The code above will create a new content page, called “About
Us”, for the content catalog specified in $contentCV.
• uid: The unique system identifier for
the content page.
• name: The
friendly name for the content page.
• masterTemplate: The JSP template that
will be used for this page; these are usually defined in cms-content.impex.
• label: The URL of the content page. The
forward slash preceding the label is important here; this makes it a link
relative to the site root. (Otherwise, the link will be relative to the
currently displayed page and break for other pages.)
A wide variety of component types can be defined in the
IMPEX files. The components below are among some of the most common components
that are defined in the code. There are certainly other components that can be
defined here.
dow'];restrictions(uid,$contentCV)[default=''] ;;linkAboutUs;About Us
Link;about;About Us;linkAboutUs;linkAboutUs
The code above will create a link to an internal page, in
this case the “About Us” content page.
• uid: The unique
system identifier for the internal link. • name: The friendly name of the
internal link.
• contentPage: The label of the content
page being linked to.
• linkName: The
displayed link text (i.e. what the user sees). The language specified is value
of the $lang variable. If no language is specified, the system defaults to
• linkRef: Reference to the link; it is simplest if this is
identical to the UID.
• componentRef: Reference to the link’s component; again, it is
simplest if this is identical to the UID.
contentCV)[default=''] ;;linkAccount;Account Link;/my-account;My
The code above will create a link to any URL. The example
above links to a page within the site by relative URL, in this case the “My
Account” page; however this link type can be used to create links to external
websites as well.
• uid: The unique system identifier for the external link.
• name: The
friendly name of the external link.
• url: The URL of
the page being linked to. This can be either a relative link (as in the example
above) or an external site.
• linkName: The
displayed link text (i.e. what the user sees). The language specified here is
value of the $lang variable. If no language is specified, the system defaults
to German.
• linkRef:
Reference to the link; it is simplest if this is identical to the UID.
• componentRef:
Reference to the link’s component; again, it is simplest if this is identical
to the UID.
INSERT_UPDATE CMSLinkComponent;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];name;&linkRef;&component
;;catAdhesives;Adhesives Category
The code above will create a link to a product category
page, in this case the “Adhesives”
category page.
• uid: The unique system identifier for the category link.
• name: The
friendly name of the category link.
• linkRef:
Reference to the link; it is simplest if this is identical to the UID.
• componentRef:
Reference to the link component; it is simplest if this is identical to the
UID. • category: The UID of the category that is being linked too.
• linkName: The displayed link text (i.e.
what the user sees). The language specified is value of the $lang variable. If
no language is specified, the system defaults to German.
;navnodeAccount;Account Navigation
t;My Account
The code above will create a navigation node. A navigation
node is a collection of links that are grouped together and are usually used in
top navigation bars and footer components.
• uid: The unique system identifier for
the navigation node.
• name: The
friendly name of the navigation node.
• parent: The parent node for this
navigation node. This can usually be left blank.
• links: A comma-delimited list of link components to be included
in the navigation node. The link components should be identified by their UIDs.
• nodeRef: Reference to the node; it is
simplest if this is identical to the UID.
• title: The (optional) title of the navigation node, displayed on
the page directly above the list of links. The language specified here is value
of the $lang variable. If no language is specified, the system defaults to
avigationNodes(&nodeRef) ;;siteFooterComponent;6;siteFooterComponent;navnodeResources,navnodeAccount
The code above will create a footer component, which
contains a navigation node. The footer component will display the title and all
links in the navigation node. It will also automatically display the links in
columns, wrapping to a new column after a specified number of links.
• uid: The unique
system identifier for the footer component.
• wrapAfter: An
integer representing the maximum number of links per column in the component.
Extra links will wrap to a new column.
• componentRef:
Reference to the link’s component. It is simplest if this is identical to the
• navigationNodes: A comma-delimited list
of the UIDs of all navigation nodes to be included in the footer component.
tText ;;/images/logo.gif;logo.gif;$siteResource/images/logo.gif;image/gif;Site
The code above will create an image component. An image
component is generally used within other components that require images; for
example site logo or banner components.
• code: The relative path and file name
of the image, relative to the content catalog directory.
• realfilename:
The image filename.
• @media: The full path of the image.
You’ll notice that the data includes a variable called $siteResource, which
contains the path of the content catalog directory in the code repository.
• mime: The mime
type of the image.
• altText:
Alternate text for the image, used just as you would expect alternate image
text to be used in the HTML Error!
Filename not specified.tag.
Code: # Banner
k ;;myBanner;My Banner;myBanner;"/" # Banner Components/Image UPDATE
ture[lang=$lang] ;;myBanner;My Banner Headline;my-banner.jpg
The code to create a banner component is actually in 2
parts, mostly for simplicity. The first INSERT_UPDATE section defines the
• uid: The unique
system identifier for the site logo component.
• name: The
friendly name of the logo component.
• componentRef:
Reference to the link’s component. It is simplest if this is identical to the
• urlLink: The
URL that the banner links to when clicked. The next UPDATE section adds an
image component to the banner component.
• uid: The unique system identifier for the site logo component to
which you are adding an image component.
• headline: A
text headline for the banner.
• picture: The
filename of the image component being added; this should match the realfilename
of the image component, as specified in the Image Component section of this
document. Adding components to a content slot Once a component has been
created, it can be added to any defined content slot on any page.
The example above adds several link components to a
pre-defined content slot in the site footer.
• uid: The unique system identifier for the content slot to which
components are being added.
• cmsComponents: A comma-delimited list
of the components being added to the specified content slot. Components are
added to the content slot in the order in which they are listed.