Explain Solr boost in Hybris | How can add more index property in free text search in Hybris ?

Sometime in Hybris interview we get question which I heard first time so obviously unable to give answer of that question

Yesterday i got question about solr boost So first we need understand what is Solr boost
> Suppose you using
 free text search on storefront in hybris means doing search something text like "123" then at hybris side solr query fire on solr server and display result on screen what he found in result so result will definitely happen on some index property of your Solr item type's index property like ean,code,name etc
Let's suppose of text "123" match in all these 3 index property (ean,code,name) and you want display product (Ean match first) top on result so these type of result we can achieve through solr boost where we boost the search result by providing high score (boost) to index property.

Before going to
 solr boost first another question is How can we add more index property in free text search in hybris


 hybris there one file name commerceservices-spring-solrfacetsearch.xml(hybris 5.5) where you can found defaultCommerceSearchTextPopulator where we need to add your index property to apply free text search
suppose there is index property (description) on which you want to apply free text search then you need to add this property as below

<alias name="defaultCommerceSearchTextPopulator" alias="commerceSearchTextPopulator"/>
<bean id="defaultCommerceSearchTextPopulator" class="de.hybris.platform.commerceservices.search.solrfacetsearch.populators.SearchTextPopulator">
        <property name="freeTextQueryBuilders">
 <bean class="de.hybris.platform.commerceservices.search.solrfacetsearch.querybuilder.impl.DefaultFreeTextQueryBuilder">
                    <property name="propertyName" value="ean"/>
                    <property name="boost" value="100"/>
<bean class="de.hybris.platform.commerceservices.search.solrfacetsearch.querybuilder.impl.DefaultFreeTextQueryBuilder">
                    <property name="propertyName" value="code"/>
                    <property name="boost" value="90"/>
 <bean class="de.hybris.platform.commerceservices.search.solrfacetsearch.querybuilder.impl.DefaultFreeTextQueryBuilder">
                    <property name="propertyName" value="name"/>
                    <property name="boost" value="50"/>
                <bean class="de.hybris.platform.commerceservices.search.solrfacetsearch.querybuilder.impl.DefaultFreeTextQueryBuilder">
                    <property name="propertyName" value="manufacturerName"/>
                    <property name="boost" value="40"/>
<bean class="de.hybris.platform.commerceservices.search.solrfacetsearch.querybuilder.impl.ClassificationFreeTextQueryBuilder">
                    <property name="boost" value="30"/>
                <bean class="de.hybris.platform.commerceservices.search.solrfacetsearch.querybuilder.impl.DefaultFreeTextQueryBuilder">
                    <property name="propertyName" value="keywords"/>
                    <property name="boost" value="20"/>
<bean class="de.hybris.platform.commerceservices.search.solrfacetsearch.querybuilder.impl.DefaultFreeTextQueryBuilder">
                    <property name="propertyName" value="categoryName"/>
                    <property name="boost" value="10"/>
<bean class="de.hybris.platform.commerceservices.search.solrfacetsearch.querybuilder.impl.DefaultFreeTextQueryBuilder">
                    <property name="propertyName" value="description"/>
                    <property name="boost" value="10"/>
In above for every indexproperty there is given boost value
So in above boost value score the search result means suppose you want to search text "demo" and result is match in ean, name, description and i want to see description result first then i will give higher boost value for description like below
<bean class="de.hybris.platform.commerceservices.search.solrfacetsearch.querybuilder.impl.DefaultFreeTextQueryBuilder">
                    <property name="propertyName" value="description"/>
                    <property name="boost" value="110"/>
So Finally, In interview if you get question like suppose search text is match in more than one index property but i want to see any specific property result first then you can give answer of Solr boost

Solr boost can achieve
1. index-time boosts
2. Field Based Boosting
In hybris used Field Based Boosting - adding an optional query clause that "boosts" documents for matching an "important: true" query,

Final Conclusion about Solr Boost : If we want to improve the sale of the product we can boosting the product by some score. Based on the score the product will be displayed on search. This is called solr boost. We can do this by HMC or Back Office.

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